Longer Leaner Ab Challenge | 30 Day 6 Pack Abs
5m 2s
Longer Leaner Ab Challenge from 30 Day 6 Pack Abs is a fast-paced strength & endurance circuit challenge that is designed to engage the abs and core, burn fat, and strengthen the upper body through 5 different exercises that will work multiple muscle groups simultaneously for enhanced results. Challenge yourself with Fitness Blogger & Expert Trainer, Sarah Fit and see how many rounds you can do in 4 minutes for the ultimate calorie burning experience. You will need an exercise mat and a bottle of water for this fitness challenge from the all new “30 Day 6 Pack Abs” Workout Program that can be done anywhere and modified to fit any skill level. Try this workout once per week and see if you can work your way up to 6 rounds by the end of a month. It will get easier as you develop strength. Add this into your workout schedule to lose extra pounds and sculpt the arms, shoulders, legs, abs, butt, and chest. Build lean definition with a pro right from your own home and get the results you are looking for! See below for your 30 Day Calendar Workout Plan as well as a full list of workouts, reps, and time codes. Tune in to BeFit daily to satisfy your fitness needs and find brand new “30 Day 6 Pack Abs” workouts featuring Scott Herman and Sarah Fit.